Popular Advertising Inflatables for Automobile Dealerships

The automobile business is one of the most competitive. Dealerships are continually seeking new ways to entice customers onto their lots and into their showrooms. As online auto sales surge, brick and mortar dealerships are facing a new type of competition, making it increasingly important to identify new ways of attracting potential customers.
Many automobile dealerships are using advertising inflatables to drive new business. Inflatable advertising has become an important complement to the aggressive marketing strategy for dealerships across the country. This affordable yet eye-catching attention grabber is being used both on the car lots and at community events to entice potential customers.
Our next series of articles examines different types of giant inflatables automobile dealerships are using to engage consumers.
Inflatable Mascot or Character
An inflatable mascot or character is one of the most popular and attention grabbing giant inflatables. If you are seeking to reach the family demographic, an inflatable mascot or character is sure to entice potential customers to stop by and take a look around.
Giant Product Inflatables
Giant product inflatables are fun and the possibilities are endless. Automobile dealerships often use giant product inflatables for on-site special events. For instance, an automobile dealership that sells cars based in Germany may choose to utilize an inflatable bratwurst or inflatable beer stein at their annual Oktoberfest customer celebration event.
Inflatable Arches
Inflatable arches are not only for marathons and festivals. Many automobile dealerships incorporate inflatable arches on their car lots to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
Our next article will take a look at more types of advertising inflatables that are ideal for automobile dealership marketing.
Inflatable Design Works (IDW) is proud to partner with businesses and brands throughout the country to help them develop a cost-effective, engaging inflatable advertising strategy. Marketing messages often get lost in the saturation of social media, online advertising, traditional advertising, etc. Giant inflatables get noticed because they are unique, fun, and designed to stand out. If you are ready to ramp up your marketing, look no further. Contact your friends at IDW to get started on your inflatable advertising strategy today.